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The Root Cellar

Image by Joseph Cosby | Asking For Help

We kept him there among

the apples

In the root cellar

That winter

Because the root cellar

Was cold

But not freezing cold.

Kept him there

Among the apples

Until Spring

The winter soil

Too frozen

For a burial

Our Daddy.

Me and Little Sister

I’m Raymond

It was our job

To turn him

Once a day

Keep him fresh

Among the apples

Until the melting time

When he could

Be buried at the Church

The Words spoken


Uncle Raymond came by

I was named for

Uncle Raymond

Daddy’s younger brother.

Tall, Black haired

Played the fiddle

Played the cards

Drank the liquor

Came by now

All the time for


Stayed late.

Came by now

To console Mother

Late into the night

Past our bedtime

Me and Little Sister

While Mama


Cried in a

Strange and savage

Way that was almost

Like a laugh.

Hands over

Little Sister’s ears

When Mama’s crylaugh

Got too loud

Four hands

God, I needed

Four hands.

That winter

That awful winter

The winter of

The frozen ground

Uncle Raymond

Dropping by

Bringing a chicken

Now and then

For Mama to cook

That freezing winter

The root cellar

Down the dark stairs

Me and Little Sister

Remembering now

The old times


Uncle Raymond

Little Sister




Just me left

No wife

No kids

Just me


The winter I stopped

Eating apples.


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